- Frequently asked questions and answers -
Where does Hand2Hand come from?
We are a company from Germany based in Bavaria.
Does Hand2Hand ship worldwide?
Yes, shipping is worldwide. You can find more detailed information on our " Shipping & Returns " page.
Are all products authentic?
All products are checked by us for their authenticity. If it is a bootleg/fake, this will be marked.
Are all products free from defects?
We always strive to select products with as few defects as possible. Due to the age of the pieces, however, there are spots or other defects here and there, which are written out.
How clean are the products?
All products go through a complex cleaning process and are carefully cleaned.
How do I know if a garment fits me?
We have a sizing guide on the product page and also give you the measurements for each product.
How can I pay?
We accept Paypal, credit card, KLARNA, Sofortüberweisung, Apple Pay and Google Pay.
When is my order successful?
As soon as you have received the shipping confirmation by email and/or SMS, your order is successful.
How long does it take for my order to be shipped?
All products are shipped via DHL and will be with you in Germany within 1-4 days. In the EU, the shipping time is 2-7 days, also to Switzerland.
How can I track my order?
You will receive a tracking number from us for each order, which you can use to track your order individually and have it delivered.
The product doesn't fit/I don't like it. What can I do?
Within 14 days of your order you can send it back to us and we will cancel it. You can find more detailed information on our "Shipping & Returns" page. The buyer bears the costs of the return .
When will I get my money back?
As soon as we have received your return, your amount will be refunded and the money transferred back. This usually takes no longer than 24 hours after the return has arrived.
Can I rate you?
A few days after placing your order, you will receive an email from Trustpilot. This includes all further information.
Where can I find you on social media?
We are active on Instagram as well as on Facebook and TikTok. Feel free to check out our latest posts and get a look behind the scenes as well as exclusive discounts and deals!